Imagine You Could Dissolve Your Emotional Stress And Mental Strain To A Level Of Peace

Think Of How Much More Calmness You'd Have And The Beauty of Enjoying Your Life More.

Perhaps you'd finally sleep better and wake up more energized, think more clearly and generate solutions quicker over long-standing challenges, or even be more optimistic about life because of the uplifted mood.


There's only one problem…


Mental and emotional stress


After all, don't you need to go on vacation to do that?


Well, sure, if you have a lot of money and time.


Typically, going for a vacation costs thousands of dollars and the impact is temporal, unlike deep emotional healing that is permanent.


It's a temporary expensive solution because you will go back to square one in a few days if not hours after returning home.


Fortunately, there's an easier, quicker, cheaper alternative that is also permanent.


With a mental and emotional healing modality, you can heal long-standing mental and emotional stresses and strains.

With our breakthrough healing modality, you'll:

  • Heal whatever is disturbing you emotionally from whatever level to zero
  • Relieve yourself of baggage to generate more happiness
  • Move forward with confidence and a lighter self after healing a painful past
  • Generate more solutions because of a clearer mind
  • Have more energy to achieve your goals
  • More joy because of peeling off the emotional baggage

It's like having calmness and happiness.


Minus the thousands of dollars spent on running away from your emotional could be alcohol and other forms of entertainment.


That's OK.


You could ignore this offer and continue...


... drowning in pain every time your emotional challenge is triggered


... sadness for all the remberances of your painful past


... failure to enjoy the moment because of the negative self talk


... sleepless nights because of emotional turmoil


... settling for an average quality of life

Or, for just $297 a session, you could use an Emotional healing reboot and ...

  • Heal whatever is disturbing you emotionally from whatever level to zero
  • Relieve yourself of baggage to generate more happiness
  • Move forward with confidence and a lighter self after healing a painful past
  • Generate more solutions because of a clearer mind and achieve your goals faster
  • More happiness and success that could just turn your dreams of peace of mind, calmness, clearer thinking, deep sleep into a reality.



If you're ready to dissolve your emotional stress and mental strain to a level of peace, you'll want to take advantage of our special $297 introductory offer now.


Because I am expecting high demand for this. I can only engage a limited number. There is only one of me to do this priceless transformational work.


Lock in your booking today before the price increases to $497 a session

Gift Yourself Emotional Healing Reboot

Book A Session – Emotional Healing Reboot


I offer a no-risk guarantee. If you don't LOVE emotional healing reboot, we'll refund every penny of your purchase, no questions asked!


100% risk-free guarantee

Ethan Musolini

Motivational Speaker, Author, HR & Communications Consultant

Other Payment Methods

Cash, Bank Transfer/ Deposit (Bank details to be provided upon request), Check,


  • Mobile money – Numbers provided upon request

About Ethan Musolini


Ethan Musolini is the CEO of Success Africa, a human resource development consultant, motivational speaker and a success coach committed to enabling organizations and individuals to maximize their potential.  A training consultant for British Council since 2004, he has successfully consulted for other organizations like Barclays Bank, World Vision, MTN, UN agencies, World Bank and Coca Cola among others.


He holds a BA (Social Sciences) from Makerere University. He represented Ugandan at the Common Wealth Youth Forum in 1997 in Edinburgh, Scotland. He worked with The International Leadership Institute as the Deputy Country Director. He has been self-employed since September 2003 as a motivational speaker, Human Resource Trainer and life/career/business coach.


He has authored transformational books like Confidence and Self Esteem Secrets Exposed, Get Motivated in 30 Seconds or Less, Wisdom and Success Quotes (co-authored) and Public Speaking Secrets Exposed. A pioneer of the Motivational speaking industry in Uganda, He has produced 41 video based training programmes with emphasis on soft skills’ areas like exceptional performance, business and social etiquette among others. Ethan has developed, facilitated and delivered trainings in 25 countries for corporate and non-governmental sectors in the areas of leadership, communication, sales, personal development, stress management, public speaking, work life balance, customer service, confidence and self-esteem.


Since 2008, he has been writing a weekly column in Monitor Newspaper titled Succeeding whose sole purpose is to expose the potential within all of us and how to unleash it for greatness. He appears on NTV (Uganda) every week day with his inspirational programme – 3 minute power pump. He is a mentor and coach on the Africa Entrepreneurship Award. He is a Paul Harris Fellow Rotarian and vice team leader for Rotary Vijana Poa in district 9211 (Uganda and Tanzania) whose vision is to have “every youth working” by equipping them with employability and entrepreneurship skills. Ethan loves travelling, playing with his family, reading, celebrating the gift of life and having a good laugh.

 2021 Ethan Musolini | All Rights Reserved.